Vacuums with HEPA Filters

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The Ultimate Solution for Clean and Safe Environments

Discover the efficiency and safety of our vacuums with HEPA filters. Ideal for commercial and industrial sites, it tackles hazardous materials like lead dust, paint chips, and other particulates. Unlike conventional vacuums, which often exhaust unseen particles back into the environment, our HEPA vacuum cleaner ensures no hazardous dust escapes back into the air.

Superior Filtration Technology

  • High Efficiency: 99.99% efficiency at 0.12 microns
  • Enhanced Area: 50% more filtration area than standard bags

Durable and User-Friendly Design

  • Noise Reduction: Operates at just 72 dba
  • Durable Tank: Non-corrosive and dent-proof polyethylene
  • Easy Handling: Sure-grip/quick-release mechanism for hoses

Enhanced Safety Features

  • Safety System: Prevents operation without the HEPA filter

Key Features

  • High Filtration Efficiency
  • Enhanced Filtration Area
  • Noise Reduction
  • Durable Construction
  • User-Friendly Design
  • Safety System


Vacuums with HEPA filters are perfect for daily use in environments where lead recovery and dust control are critical. Ideal for removing hazardous materials from commercial and industrial sites.

Lastly, invest in our HEPA vacuum cleaner for a cleaner, safer environment.